Yeah! America is another step to having a Socialized health care in the near future.
It was a close vote by a margin of five, 220 for the bill and 215 against the bill passage. Only one Rep from Louisiana crossed party lines to vote for the bill, I was surprised to see that 39 Democrats crossed party lines to vote no on the bill. I think that the 39 Democrats who voted against the bill was think about their reelection in 2010. I think the bill has it's good merits but, my biggest question is how are we going to pay for the benefits? It will cost at least 1.3 trillion dollars to add to the other trillions of dollars that our government has already spent. Just to put an example of how much a trillion dollars is you can start right now counting a one dollar bill, starting at one and count to a trillion it would take you around 31,000 years counting none stop!
The second problem I have with H.R. 3962, is it requires everyone to have health insurance or to pay a penalty and if you don't pay the penalty you could face jail time, how is this freedom? The government telling the citizens of the Greatest Country that you are required to have health insurance or go to JAIL, when did we become a Communist country like Cuba?
My opinion is that most Americans will not pay the required insurance premiums instead they will pay the penalty when they need the coverage and the insurance companies can not deny coverage, which makes since doesn't it? Why pay insurance premiums each month for an insurance that is guaranteed to cover you once you need it.
For example: I pay a $700 a month for a insurance premiums but don't have to see a doctor or need any medical care, then lets say six months later I become ill and have to go and be seen by a doctor, so I had paid for an insurance premium of $4,200 for the last six months but the penalty for not carrying the insurance is less than the $4,200 dollars. Hmmm, what is the better deal? The high insurance premiums or pay the penalty?
Another problem is remember last spring when the Swine Flue was starting to hit Americans, when the CDC (Center Disease Control) stated on July 18, 2009 that "We expect to have enough H1N1 vaccines."
Well it is now November and guess what we are told now? Um, we don't have enough vaccines ready to be given out. I think if the government can not even get the Swine Flu Vaccines straight how do we expect them to control our health care system.
Another prime example of the government controlling health care is Medicare for the seniors, Medicare was signed in to effect in July 30, 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. When every American would pay in to a account set up for them to pay in to out of their income so when they get older that will have a health care plan to cover their health needs, but the problem is that when to many people are using the money out of their Medicare accounts than are people are putting in to the accounts, the is a difference that is breaking the Medicare and Social Security systems.
The NY Time stated on May 12, 2009. Quote "The Obama administration said the Medicare fund that pays hospital bills for older Americans is expected to run out of money in 2017, two years sooner than projected last year. The Social Security trust fund will be exhausted in 2037, four years earlier than predicted."
What is next for the American Citizen future? I only hope that the government does not take away more of our freedoms.
To read the 1990 pages of the H.R. 3962 bill that was past in the House of Representatives last night:
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